Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Roller Coaster BS

My blood sugar as of late has been like a roller coaster, meaning ALL over the place. It is frustrating. I have been eating pretty well, but have splurged a little. I definitely have either underestimated doses of insulin, or over guesstimated resulting in highs and lows.

It doesn't help that I have not been feeling the best. I did run 4 miles last week as proudly mentioned in my other blog, but this week it just feels like I have been fighting something. I thought I was getting a sinus infection, but that just kind of went away, then I came home from work a little early today because of an upset stomach! Sometimes I wish our bodies could just tell us clearly what is wrong! Sheesh!

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Spontaneous Bout of Diabetic Demensia

Today I worked in both Salt Lake City, as well as in Brigham City. This meant a LOT of driving. I made sure to leave plenty early this morning in order to make it through any possible traffic that could occur during my commute. I am not always a morning person, and I haven't been sleeping that well lately, so last night I did what I thought was necessary in preparing for the day, which meant packing my own lunch, restocking my purse with needles, and making sure I had my glucometer. The most important thing I happened to forget in my hurry this morning? My INSULIN! I was almost to SLC when I went digging around in my purse for my vial of insulin and needles. Needless to say, that in all my hurried preparation last night I had not only forgot to put my insulin near or in my purse, I also forgot my needles on the kitchen counter. Boy, did I feel stupid. I knew that I was in for a day of fun with walking the fine lined relationship I have with carbs. I didn't have snacks or a lunch that were just overflowing with carbs but I did have enough carbs to require a couple of units of insulin.

Lunch time came and I was already feeling sick from high BS from breakfast. I was tempted to not even eat my lunch, but decided against that. I just knew I wasn't going to be feeling well by the time I got home. I went about the rest of my day with a headache, and later a seriously nauseated stomach. I came home thinking I was going to spill my cookies, but realized at the same time how hungry I really was. How ironic is that? I am feeling sick from high BS and starving at the same time! Not the most pleasant feeling in the world might I just say!

So today was most assuredly not one of my finer days in my diabetes management. I have done this once or twice before and obviously made the same mistake today. May it not be another blooper I make again any time soon!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Insulin Adjusting

I have some exciting news! With me working out several nights a week I am now on lower doses of insulin! I haven't lost the weight that I had hoped to, but this in and of itself is good news to me! I found out the hard way with getting a few lows in the middle of the night, but that just was a sign to me to cut back a little and I am thrilled!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Yesterday was my semi-quarterly check up with my endocrinologist. Every time I go I get a wicked finger poke that serves as a testament to my blood sugar levels the last 3 months. I was a little hopeful for this one since I have actually bucked up and started taking care of myself about a month ago. I have felt really good the last few weeks with a few low BS's here and there in adjusting to my newer more diligent diabetes regimen. And my hard work has paid off! My HA1C was 8.3! That's the best one I have had in almost 2 years! It's difficult to get it down to exactly where the pro's want it, but hey for me it's definitely good news! My doctor was thrilled when I told him everything that I have been doing these last several weeks, and said that if I keep doing what I am doing, then my A1C will be better in no time!

Today, I went over to a health club and re-joined! With it almost being the cooler seasonal months, I know that the days of running or biking the streets of my neighborhood are numbered. It is really quite an affordable deal, especially since Brandon wasn't too interested in joining. I am excited about this! I also went and bought myself a new Ipod to give me that extra boost while I work out. I felt this was deserved, as well as new motivation because of the crazy money I spent! But I am so excited about this, and owe it to myself, my family, and friends who care about me to keep moving in the right direction! There is no money that could buy the way I feel about this!