Today I worked in both Salt Lake City, as well as in Brigham City. This meant a LOT of driving. I made sure to leave plenty early this morning in order to make it through any possible traffic that could occur during my commute. I am not always a morning person, and I haven't been sleeping that well lately, so last night I did what I thought was necessary in preparing for the day, which meant packing my own lunch, restocking my purse with needles, and making sure I had my glucometer. The most important thing I happened to forget in my hurry this morning? My INSULIN! I was almost to SLC when I went digging around in my purse for my vial of insulin and needles. Needless to say, that in all my hurried preparation last night I had not only forgot to put my insulin near or in my purse, I also forgot my needles on the kitchen counter. Boy, did I feel stupid. I knew that I was in for a day of fun with walking the fine lined relationship I have with carbs. I didn't have snacks or a lunch that were just overflowing with carbs but I did have enough carbs to require a couple of units of insulin.
Lunch time came and I was already feeling sick from high BS from breakfast. I was tempted to not even eat my lunch, but decided against that. I just knew I wasn't going to be feeling well by the time I got home. I went about the rest of my day with a headache, and later a seriously nauseated stomach. I came home thinking I was going to spill my cookies, but realized at the same time how hungry I really was. How ironic is that? I am feeling sick from high BS and starving at the same time! Not the most pleasant feeling in the world might I just say!
So today was most assuredly not one of my finer days in my diabetes management. I have done this once or twice before and obviously made the same mistake today. May it not be another blooper I make again any time soon!