Thursday, October 2, 2008


Yesterday was my semi-quarterly check up with my endocrinologist. Every time I go I get a wicked finger poke that serves as a testament to my blood sugar levels the last 3 months. I was a little hopeful for this one since I have actually bucked up and started taking care of myself about a month ago. I have felt really good the last few weeks with a few low BS's here and there in adjusting to my newer more diligent diabetes regimen. And my hard work has paid off! My HA1C was 8.3! That's the best one I have had in almost 2 years! It's difficult to get it down to exactly where the pro's want it, but hey for me it's definitely good news! My doctor was thrilled when I told him everything that I have been doing these last several weeks, and said that if I keep doing what I am doing, then my A1C will be better in no time!

Today, I went over to a health club and re-joined! With it almost being the cooler seasonal months, I know that the days of running or biking the streets of my neighborhood are numbered. It is really quite an affordable deal, especially since Brandon wasn't too interested in joining. I am excited about this! I also went and bought myself a new Ipod to give me that extra boost while I work out. I felt this was deserved, as well as new motivation because of the crazy money I spent! But I am so excited about this, and owe it to myself, my family, and friends who care about me to keep moving in the right direction! There is no money that could buy the way I feel about this!

1 comment:

Sharyn Bertasso said...

Hi Lisa- My name is Sharyn Bertasso and I am your sister Jen's best friend. We have met before, do you remember me?! Anyway, Jen told me about your blog because my son Jacob, age 4 was diagnosed with diabetes 11 months ago. She thought I might find it interesting to read. And I definitely do. Even though I don't personally have diabetes, I am the one that is managing it for my son, due to his young age. And I relate with many of the things you have written. It is definitely a life sentence and the day to day management of it is so hard at times that I just want to give up. So, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate being to read about someone else's experience. And congrat's on the low A1C, that's great!! Keep up the good work.