I know diabetics that are incredibly (almost inhumanly) meticulous about their diabetes regimen. They don't falter often or ever at all when it comes to what they eat. While the medical professionals in recent years have come back and said that it is OKAY for diabetics to consume sugar, sugar continues to be one of my daily overwhelming temptations. I am an avid Diet Dr Pepper drinker. This means running in to a lot of convenience (almost too convenient) stores and grabbing a few bottles to last a couple of days. And what is always there to tempt my every attempt to behave myself and not eat the most yummy of sugary sweets? Little Debbie that DEVIL WOMAN! There are times when I will mentally prepare myself to go in to the local gas station by telling myself that I will NOT buy one or two of her Zebra cakes, and their are times that I am strong and don't even look Little Debbie's way, but there are other times where if it's been a long day in dealing with ornery boys, or poopie diapers I give in to my temptations! Not only are these treats full of pure sugar, they are full of cholesterol and FAT! Now let me get to the point of this rant!
I have this dream of losing weight and being in better control of my BS. I have this dream of having a better A1C and feeling better about myself physically and mentally when it comes to my control of my disease, instead of it controlling me. Whether it is a goal or a dream, this is something that is very important to me and is a motivator for going to the gym at least 3 times a week and jogging. But I have come to realize that these effort are all for naught when I go and work out, then come home the next day only to eat junk or give in to Little Debbie's enticements! I am my OWN weakest link when it comes to my eating habits, exercise and control of my blood sugar! I am going to try a little at a time to strengthen my resistance to eating things that I absolutely KNOW I shouldn't. There was a period of time (or a couple of them at least) that I have been nearly indestructible when it came to resisting sweets. I am going to have to build up to that again! I better start building and working towards that!