The holidays just about did me in with the endless temptations and goodies that were abound! I have admitted in the past that my self control is flushed all but too hurriedly down the drain when it comes to yummies! I definitely indulged myself! My blood sugar sure did reflect it too! I am back in better control and eating better, but I am really lucky on one thing, I didn't gain any previously lost or unwanted weight! Thank goodness! I am done with eating like crap and then paying for it after for hopefully a long time! I am back to exercising for both a mental release of being home all day with the boys, and to take care of myself! So I am getting back on track after falling off to the wayside for a while.
I have a goal weight I would like to reach, but I am doing it in increments kind of following after a friend of mine's plan for losing her unwanted weight! Hopefully it works!
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11 years ago
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