Tuesday, November 11, 2008

At Times, It Really Is an Uphill Battle

The last two weeks have been extremely difficult when it comes to being a diabetic. I just can't regain the fantastic control over my blood sugar that I had a month ago. I am counting my carbs, dosing the insulin the way I know to, but my blood sugar is all over the place. It is so frustrating! I am still working out and making good use of my glucometer. I don't know what to do! There are times where I just want to give up. But I can't stand the energy-lacking, grumpy, sleepless state I enter in to when my BS is high. That is no way to live!

I will keep trying. That is all I can do. I don't know if it is related to the fact that my hormones have been doing some crazy things to my body, or if it's because my Dr. put me on birth control and my body is not really liking that. Maybe it's all of the above. Grrr!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Housewarming Party

So my great friend Amber moved out of her basement apartment last weekend, and decided to throw a little housewarming party this weekend. She and her roomate found the cutest house in Salt Lake City. It was built in the 1930's and has been remodeled. I fell in love with it! ( I have a thing for old-fashioned architecture). It was yellow on the outside with a red front door!

As with any party that Brandon and I are invited to I always have the thought of "what kinds of food with be there?" and "will I have the self-control not to over indulge?"

Well, we got there and there was just tons of really good finger foods. There was Nacho Cheese Durritos, cheese, Wheat Thins, grapes, chocolate, dips of all kinds, biscotti breads, etc. Well the first problem was thinking to myself that I could just grab a handful of Nacho Cheese Durritos and be fine with it. Boy was I wrong! I went back 3 or 4 times to get more chips, cheese, and Wheat Thins. And I helped myself to 5 pieces of chocolate. But one thing I didn't touch was the punch! I just KNEW it was packed full of sugar. If I am going to chow down on carbs, it is going to be good food, and not anything sugary to drink. I opted out of the punch and went with the Diet Dr Pepper I had drank on the way down from Ogden.

I ate way too much, but at least it was on yummies and not punch. I gave myself my insulin and called it good. And for once, even though I exercised NO self-control, I woke up feeling really good today.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Never Though I'd Say This...

If anyone knows my parents they would understand it when I say that they are as different as night and day when it comes to exercising.

My memories of my childhood are fondly remembered riding my bike along with my Dad as he ran several miles. And ever since I can remember he has been physically active in some way.

My mom is a different story. As long as I can remember she has jokingly stated that "exercise" is a four-letter word. My mom is also one of those blessed individuals that is tall and slender no matter her weight. (She makes me sick!)

As a kid I was always active. I was one of those neighborhood kids that all the lifeguards at the local pools knew by name. I loved being outside playing along the bayou near my house, climbing trees or going and playing at the park. When I went to youth night at my church I always was involved with the volleyball or basketball teams. I was on the neighborhood swim team every summer.

When I got to college the only physical activity I got in was walking all over campus between classes or a few of the PE classes you were required to take.

When I was diagnosed the doctors, nutritionists, and diabetes educators all preached and talked about how important exercise was for me in helping me control my disease. Not even that was motivation enough for me to get off my butt and do something. Neither was the fact that I ended up the heaviest out of all 4 women in my family and the knowledge of how it affected my self-image wasn't enough to do anything about it.

I am now happy to say that I am now taking more after my Dad when it comes to exercising. It is a fact that people with Diabetes often struggle with depression. Exercising is my way of feeling better about how I am ha.ndling my disease, as well as how I feel about life in general. I was never ever a running person, but now I am and I love it. It is my release of stress and guilt if I splurge on something tasty. It is a great feeling of accomplishment. It is knowing that I can take time out of my busy life to do something for myself. It is all of the above and I am loving it!

I never thought that I would say that I actually like exercising. It was always something I did without even realizing it. Now it is something that I have to find time to do in my schedule in order to take care of myself. So, YAY FOR EXERCISE!